Supporting the development of effective, partnership-based early help
We recently undertook a major piece of national research for the Local Government Association into what were the key enabling factors that contributed to local areas having effective, partnership-based offers of early help for young people and families. Through the research, undertaken between autumn 2018 and spring 2019, we worked with a small number of local areas to understand how they organised their local “system” of early help, to learn about the activities they had undertaken and were undertaking to develop and sustain an effective early help offer, and to identify the key enablers of and barriers to developing and sustaining an effective, joined-up and partnership-based early help offer.
A report, setting out our key findings, was launched at a high-profile national seminar on early help in March. This was hosted by the Local Government Association, and included a keynote presentation from Isos Partnership Director Natalie Parish, as well as speeches and presentations from individual local areas, the Early Intervention Foundation, and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
In Septemnber 2019, we will be facilitating a series of regional workshops across England to:
share the findings from the research;
explore new developments in local early help offers since our original research; and
provide colleagues with opportunities to reflect on their local systems and hear about how other local areas arrange and organise early help locally.
The workshops are being supported by the Local Government Association. If you are involved in early help in your local area and would be interested in attending one of these regional events, please do get in touch with by emailing